Someone asked me recently how I am finding Motherhood and I
replied ‘’It’s OK ’. And I instantly felt guilty for saying that and wondered why I had responded like that. But after
giving it thought I realised that Motherhood and your baby are two different
things. I love my baby more than words can describe but Motherhood is
challenging. I see Motherhood as being about me and my capabilities as a
From the moment I gave birth I felt like I was living with a
blind fold on. OK yes I am now speaking as a mother of a 4 month old so I have
had some experience but again I am in no way an expert on mothering. But here
is what I do know so far. Mothering is about having to forgive yourself every day.
Motherhood is about doing your best with what you know and when you know
better, you do better.
You know how people talk about that motherly intuition you
will have? Well at the best of times I wondered where mine was.
So why is motherhood so stressful? I feel it’s because we
are told to take care of our children in a certain way. These baby experts say
that there is no one set of rules for a baby as each baby is different but then
at the same token by a certain age you should be following a certain set of
rules and guidelines again set by these “baby experts”.
Motherhood is based around FEAR.
There are thousands of books that speak about routine,
breastfeeding, stimulation, bedtime, nap time, formula, bottles and the list
goes on to immediately a woman goes into survival mode and that in order to be
a good mother she needs to be able to do all the things the books/people say
she should. And yes, at the beginning it is like that, you are trying to
keep your baby alive. But how much easier would it be if we actually told
ourselves that we are more than good enough. But there is this thing we call ‘’Mommy
Guilt’’ that is constantly there. Why? Because society values the Super Mom. What
are super moms? Woman that work and manage to take care of their children, and
still smile about it all. There is this stereotype about how a mom should be.
She should be able to give natural birth, breastfeed her baby, get a baby into
a routine, have a job too (because otherwise she is seen as doing nothing) and
again still smile about it all. Women have to try be perfect and lead “balanced
And what’s more surprising is that it is mothers who are
teaching other mothers this. Mothers that also feel insecure and not good
enough but never speak about it. Mothers are portraying a sense of everything
is perfect when it’s not. I remember talking to a friend once about the struggles I was facing and her response was ''but you do like being a Mom right?" And this is the illusion.
So where are the books about how to bond with your baby, How to trust or develop your Motherly intuition or How to love yourself as a mother?
We live in a society where woman are not going by their
intuition or are in their own power when it comes to the process of birth or Motherhood. Take this country for example; suddenly there is an
epidemic of babies with ‘’large heads’’ because that is what doctors are
telling women to turn them off having natural birth. For a woman to have fear
around birth is perfectly normal but Doctors
don’t seem to support natural birth because it’s an inconvenience and so woman
are not supported in this decision and are robbed of the experience. When a
woman goes into labour and her surroundings and the people around her are not
supportive of her birthing process she will not dilate and she won’t be able to
give birth. Studies show that any kind of stress during labour hinders the
I am not pro natural birth, I am pro women being able to
make their own decisions and not be led by other people’s fears and opinions. If
a woman decides that a selective C- section is best for her for example, then
that too is fine as long as she is confident in her decision and has not been intimidated to make that decision.
There is very little support for women so that they can be
empowered and be the mothers they want to be. But what there is, is constant
fear, guilt and exhaustion. And so children grow up with Mothers like this. I
did. Unsupported, disempowered women who are led my fear because they have not
been told that they are allowed to make the decisions, call the shots and trust
themselves on any decisions they make.
The first week of motherhood was a shock to me. I struggled
for six weeks to breastfeed and eventually gave up; it was heart-breaking, because
I wanted to have that experience but also because it’s drummed into woman’s
heads that “breast is best”! So when you faced with a baby that doesn't want to
breastfeed then does that mean you are not giving them the best? At the time there
was no one telling me it was OK and that I was still a good mother. In fact I
had people and doctors giving me dirty looks when I mentioned I was bottle
feeding. And at the same token I was seen as better over a woman who had a C- section. It’s ludicrous. Not to mention
that from personal experience its male doctors that seem to have the most
opinions on breastfeeding and natural birth yet they are the ones that don’t
actually know how to give women the support and courage they need for both of
these processes.
So after weeks of stress and tears I eventually decided that
I had two choices, stay stressed and go with the nonsense that society puts on
women and keep taking that on or decide that I was going to do it my way. But I
experienced a lot of judgement from people when I said I was treating my baby homoeopathically for example and I was laughed at by a Doctor when I said I think my child is lactose intolerant
and he should go on Soya for example. I was told I was crazy to not give my
child drugs at the age of 3 months. It took everything for me to stand by my
decision and go against the "professionals’’ and now after sticking to my guns,
I finally have a pain free, reflux free, colic free baby.
As a woman standing your ground and doing things differently
in an industry that is extremely opinionated (the baby industry I will call it) is extremely difficult. Society is full of illusion and masks that people wear. And we
compare ourselves to others but what we are comparing ourselves to is not the
My reality is that there were some days when I hated being a
mother. I have sent my Husband messages saying that it isn't for me and I can’t
do it anymore. He never judged me for it and he just tried to convince me that I
was doing my best.
So where am I now? Well I have stopped being so focused on
things like routines, schedules and stimulation and whatever else I am supposed to be
doing and have decided to just spend time with my child. Doing that has helped
me to be less stressed and reminded me of the beauty and unbelievable
sacredness that is a bond between mother and child and why I had him in the
first place.
It’s amazing how differently he behaves when I am calm and
we are together and I am holding him and loving him. He has this expression
like all is right in the world. And all is right in the world because he needs
it, because he needs to understand that there is no limit to how much love and
affection I can give him. There is no limit to how much love he deserves.
We are living in a world where people have very little self-esteem
and so placing rules, regiments and conditions on our babies and children is where it all begins. Humans crave love and affection as it’s a basic
human need and for some reason we are saying no to our children already? What
does this say about society? I have heard women saying things like don’t carry your baby
too much because you spoil them. No! When you attend to your babies every need
all of the time, you send the message that they can trust you, that their needs
are valid and that as a parent you are reliable. And yes that does come at a
sacrifice to the parent but it’s also about how you look at it.
Everything is
about teaching a child that we honour and value them from an early age instead
pushing them. Think of the pressure we as adults feels in life in general. Why wouldn't we want to shelter our children from that for as long as possible? And yes there will be those times that children will have
to learn independence etc., but that is not what my post is about today.
The purpose of my post is to remind ourselves of why have
babies. You know the saying love makes the world go around? It’s not corny it’s the truth. The world is filled with love starved people who are looking
for acknowledgement and it starts with our children.
So back to why do we have children? Personally one of the
reasons I had a baby because I wanted the privilege of raising a child. I don’t
think there is a greater privilege but also I wasn't a happy child growing up
and I wanted to do it differently for my child. But with that comes the
greatest of challenges because it has tested my own self esteem more than ever
and every day I have to work through my own insecurities.
Some days I feel like I am the worst mother in the world and
some days I feel like I am a pro! And that’s how it goes.
Perhaps it’s also about one’s attitude towards motherhood. Because
the fact is its beyond tiring and you often have no time for yourself but I can imagine when you look at your child one day who is happy
and healthy and confident you can say that you did that. And no one else may
know or see it but you will know that in this life you taught another human
being to trust and love and be happy with who they are.
So forgive yourself every day because you are human and
mothers are not know it all’s. And yes, you may spend hours rocking and holding
and soothing till you are blue in the face and it may look like nothing comes
from it but in that we are teaching our babies that their needs are valid, that
their needs are attended to and that it’s OK to have needs.
So to end off, this is is what my baby boy has taught me about love and why having a child is the biggest
privilege, a privilege that supersedes the sacrifice...
Love is when your baby needs constant love and affection, so
you learn that you have the ability to give it 24 hours 7 days a week. You learn that there is no
limit to how much love you are able to give and how much love you receive.
Love is when your anger and frustration dissipates quicker
than you have ever let go of anger and frustration because that kind of love
gets into those little cracks.
Love is when you look at your baby and you see yourself and
you have to love yourself through your child.
Love is when your baby has felt you at your absolute worst but
still wants to be with you 24 hours a day seven days a week, unconditionally no
matter what.
Love is when accepting your child for all that they are in
the hardest moments requires you to know how to do that for yourself because love
for your child requires a love for oneself.
Love is when you didn't know how much your heart could
stretch and how much love you were actually capable of giving and you realise
that just because of that, you are a wonderful Mother.
Love is when you weren't sure if God existed and then your
child was born.
Now that’s a privilege.
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