Thursday, 28 February 2013

Living a transparent life

I often feel like I am surrounded by people who hide behind everything, but mostly from themselves. Maybe I notice it because I used to be one of those people. But when I look back, keeping secrets kept me from finding the peace I so desperately craved.

My philosophy became to live a transparent life. I have nothing to hide, or be ashamed of and most importantly I am learning still to hide nothing from myself. Reality can be difficult but let me tell you, that avoiding reality is much, much worse.

We like to live in illusions because they have kept us going. We believe certain things about ourselves, about the world and about others and we get stuck in that. We operate from our egos and we think that our opinions are more than opinions and we feel that we are entitled to judge others and make comments about how others are living their lives. But in this we become rigid and unhappy because we cannot see past our noses. We cannot see past the illusions we have created for ourselves and others and life. We land up living in a farce that we call our lives. We choose to “stay asleep” rather than wake up to what is really there.

We like to see things in a certain way because we are so afraid of what the reality is and that we may not be able to handle it. In fact deep down we know what the truth is but truth can often turn our worlds upside down but if we are hiding so much then our world can’t be that put together in the first place. And so what if it’s not?

I have committed to writing about my truth from the moment I began to write and I don’t know how many times I have said this, but it is truly freeing. I write about it yes, but I also speak it, and I am it. And every so often life brings me a new experience so that I can once again move past the illusions and see what is truly there. Sometimes I don’t want to, and sometimes it can take me longer than I would like to admit but I eventually do.

I get millions of different comments from my readers on my writing and some will almost feel sorry for me and think that I am now in some state of depression when I write about some of my painful processes. This is because they have the belief that when you talk about difficult things you must be really unhappy, when in fact it’s the opposite. When painful things come up I write about them and I feel them and move through them but in all of this I can still be joyful and grateful and light. But I have had to learn how to do this. To learn how to stay in my light no matter what the darkness brings. Or better yet to embrace the darkness for it brings gifts beyond our imagination.

We like to see things in a certain way because we are so afraid of what the reality is and that we may not be able to handle it. If we look to see what really is there then maybe we will see that things aren’t as great as we make them out to be, or even that our relationships are not necessarily what we make them out to be, or whatever it is. These are just examples. So we keep hiding behind what we think is there, instead of admitting to ourselves that this may just be an illusion we have created because we are too afraid to face the truth, to face ourselves.  And we are afraid of being judged. Let me tell you that I have never felt judged doing this. Yes people think they know what I must be feeling but judged, no. Maybe you judge you...

But I say so what? So what if things are actually crappy or so what if we have to face ourselves and the truth. So what if it’s hard? There have been times where it was so hard that I thought that this might just kill me. As dramatic as it sounds it’s the truth.

Be true, be vulnerable, be you, speak your truth, and commit to peeling off the layers you built in order to get through life. They no longer serve you.

I celebrate you in being the true, authentic, transparent you.
Love, always


  1. Hi Talya. Thank you for your retweet of my "pilgrim" blog. Like you, I am working at emerging from behind secrets and becoming transparent. I guess you could say that it is a process that changes an individual to such an extent that one does become almost a "wild" person. I look forward to getting to know you better as a friend, blogger and wanderer - or as I like to call it "as a life-long pilgrim."

  2. Oh, in case you don't recognise me, I have the Twitter IDs of @SkyCladTherapy and @rgl. My blog sites are:

    Through a Jungian Lens
    A Buddhist's Lens
    A Naturist's Lens
    A Canadian Pilgrim's Journey
